Close/Open Popup and Create Cookie After Gravity Forms Submission

Note: Popup Maker version 1.9 introduces the Form Submission trigger and cookie. Recommended good practice is to use the new trigger and cookie together when using a Popup Maker form or integration-supported WordPress form plugin inside a popup.

See:  Popup Maker Integration with WordPress Form Builder Plugins

Trigger: Form Submission

Popup Maker integrates directly with the GravityForms (GF) plugin to allow plugin users to set a browser cookie on form submit. The cookie prevents a popup that contains the form from displaying again after the form is successfully submitted. 

Follow these steps to set a Popup Maker 'Gravity Forms Success' cookie:

  1. Within the Popup Editor, scroll to the Popup Settings box;
  2. Select the 'Triggers' option tab; 
  3. Select the 'Triggers & Cookies' option category;
  4. Select the button labeled 'Add New Cookie'.   

The option settings box labeled 'When should your cookie be created?' will open. Select the drop-down menu options to view the cookie options. Select the 'Gravity Form Success' option and then select the 'Add' button to set the option. Follow the remaining prompts within the option settings box to either add or update the cookie option setting. 

Minimum Plugin Requirements to Integrate Popup Maker and Gravity Forms

Popup Maker version 1.6+

GravityForms version 2.1+

See the GravityForms Success Cookie in Action

The videos below use an older Popup Maker Admin interface ( before version 1.7+).  However, the process to set and link a trigger with a cookie remains the same in the current version of the plugin. The example videos below demonstrate the link between a trigger and a GravityForms Success cookie. 

Create a Cookie on Form Submit

Create a cookie just like you normally would, except use the "Gravity Form Success" Cookie Creation Event, as shown in the video below.

Close a Popup on Form Submit

Access the "Close Popup" Action when you build your form inside the Gravity Forms module, as seen in the video below. If you want your users to see your "Success" message, make sure to set a delay (milliseconds) that is long enough so they can read it.

Open a Popup on Form Submit

Access the "Open Popup" Action when you build your form inside the Gravity Forms module, as seen in the video below.

Popup Maker Actions Following Form Submit Success

The GravityForms plugin allows users to set and display a success message after form submit success. The success message is set and managed within the form plugin itself, not Popup Maker.

Popup Maker adds a 'Close Popup' and 'Open Popup' option within the GravityForms 'Settings' option category. These options give you 2 ways to display a success message after form submit success. See the related article link below for details.

Related article: How To Set Form Plugin Actions Following Form Submit Success

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