Integrating Form Provider with Popup Maker
Example based on Contact Form 7.
PHP integration registration.
add_filter( 'pum_integrations', function ( $integrations = [] ) {
return array_merge( $integrations, [
// key should match the key defined in your PHP class.
'contactform7' => new PUM_Integration_Form_ContactForm7,
] );
} );
PHP integration class
* Copyright (c) 2020, WP Popup Maker
class PUM_Integration_Form_ContactForm7 extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form {
* Unique key identifier for this provider.
* @var string
public $key = 'contactform7';
* Only used to hook in a custom action for non AJAX based submissions.
* Could be used for other initiations as well where needed.
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'wpcf7_mail_sent', array( $this, 'on_success' ), 1 );
* Text label that will be used throughout the various options screens.
* @return string
public function label() {
return __( 'Contact Form 7' );
* Should return true when the required form plugin is active.
* @return bool
public function enabled() {
return class_exists( 'WPCF7' ) || ( defined( 'WPCF7_VERSION' ) && WPCF7_VERSION );
* Return a useable array of all forms from this provider.
* @return array
public function get_forms() {
return get_posts( [
'post_type' => 'wpcf7_contact_form',
'posts_per_page' => - 1,
] );
* Return a single form by ID.
* @param string $id
* @return mixed
public function get_form( $id ) {
return get_post( $id );
* Returns an array of options for a select list.
* Should be in the format of $formId => $formLabel
* @return array
public function get_form_selectlist() {
$form_selectlist = [];
$forms = $this->get_forms();
foreach ( $forms as $form ) {
$form_selectlist[ $form->ID ] = $form->post_title;
return $form_selectlist;
* Hooks in a success functions specific to this provider for non AJAX submission handling.
* @param WPCF7_ContactForm $cfdata
public function on_success( $cfdata ) {
* @see pum_integrated_form_submission
pum_integrated_form_submission( [
'popup_id' => isset( $_REQUEST['pum_form_popup_id'] ) && absint( $_REQUEST['pum_form_popup_id'] ) > 0 ? absint( $_REQUEST['pum_form_popup_id'] ) : false,
'form_provider' => $this->key,
'form_id' => $cfdata->id(),
] );
* Load a custom script file to handle AJAX based submissions or other integrations with Popup Maker frontend.
* @param array $js
* @return array
public function custom_scripts( $js = [] ) {
$js[ $this->key ] = [
// Path to a file that will be bundled with our own Assets when required.
'content' => file_get_contents( Popup_Maker::$DIR . 'assets/js/pum-integration-contactform7.js' ),
'priority' => 8,
return $js;
* Load custom styles for hacking some elements specifically inside popups, such as datepickers.
* @param array $css
* @return array
public function custom_styles( $css = [] ) {
$css[ $this->key ] = [
'content' => ".datepicker-container { z-index: 2000000000 !important; }\n",
'priority' => 8, // Always use priority 8 for the best results.
return $css;
JavaScript file contents
(function ($) {
var formProvider = 'contactform7';
$(document).on('wpcf7:mailsent', '.wpcf7', function (event, details) {
const $form = $(this),
formId = $form.find('input[name="_wpcf7"]').val(),
// Converts string like wpcf7-f190-p2-o11 and reduces it to simply 11, the last o11 is the instance ID.
// More accurate way of doing it in case things change in the future, this version filters out all but the o param.
// formInstanceId = .split('-').filter((string) => string.indexOf('o') === 0)[0].replace('o','');
// Simpler version that simply splits and pops the last item in the array. This requires it always be the last.
formInstanceId = $form.attr('id').split('-').pop().replace('o', '');
// All the magic happens here.
window.PUM.integrations.formSubmission($form, {
formProvider: formProvider
formId: formId,
formInstanceId: formInstanceId